Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quality Management Systems: the moment it is installed, it is obsolete !

Quality Management Systems: elaborating on a white ravens consulting service:

Why a Quality Management System?

The moment it is installed it becomes outdated and obsolete!

check it out on www.whiteravensqms.com

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

www.whiteravensconsulting.com - Twitter: GeertSWillems
20 years proof of added value by knowledge management - and why this can help you...

Knowledge management is still a key differentiator.
The possibilities of this area of expertise are enormous:
- SCRUM is an application of knowledge management
- CDT&R is an application of knowledge management
- VSM is an application of knowledge management
- Working out loud is an application of knowledge management
- Problem solving techniques are an application of knowledge management
- Kaizens are an application of knowledge management
- The ‘new way of working’ (getting old in the meantime) is an application of knowledge management
And there is so much more in the pipeline…. Knowledge management is not that very small kitten any more, it has been grown for some time. And a lot of people didn't notice, because one of the big rules in knowledge management to introduce it, is not to call it knowledge management...
‘Yeah, right’, I hear you think.
From my beginning in knowledge management (start of the nineties of previous century) I always had difficulties answering the question: “What can you do with knowledge management in a practical way”.
And even then I answered: “The possibilities are numerous ! Tell me your need, and I will give you the solution based on knowledge management principles. It will be the right solution!”.
And being a consultant, you see a lot of changes in different companies, and again I noticed that SCRUM, CDT&R, VSM etc… all have a common denominator:  knowledge management techniques.
SCRUM and agile is nothing more than applying theoretical knowledge management techniques on software development. The same for the “New Way of Working”, solving problems in organization,…
For each application, a new string of companies, consultants and methodologies was created. And we see that the tools that get hyped and are not based on knowledge management principles disappear, or only apply in very specific circumstances. We also see that the tools that are based on knowledge management principles are here to stay, or to evolve further.
But here is great thing about knowledge management: this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Four years ago, I wrote some books on knowledge management, and in one of them I gave a list of more than 100 strategic goals which can be pursuit by knowledge management.
…and if you are not pursuing your needs using knowledge management principles – as taught in our trainings – you may be heading for unpleasant surprises…
…do you know these principles?
…do you know your needs and the related knowledge management based solution?

Basic tools of knowledge management in mergers and acquisitions

Knowledge management has a lot of potential goldmines to open up. One of these goldmines, in the world of continuous mergers, fusions and...